Sunday, August 8, 2010



Kris is lucky to have transformed into a very powerful and strong alien. He received the might of Diamond Head along with the speed of XLR8.



"You’re actually going out there and FIGHT those scary monsters? What are you, nuts?! Fine, you go and play hero. I’m gonna stay here where it’s safe."
"This has got to be a dream. None of this is real! Any minute now I’ll wake up and realize I fell asleep in class again…"
"Ugh, being an alien feels so weird! Moving around in this body just doesn’t feel right!"
"I don’t get it. Why is Ben still a human and I get stuck in some creepy monster body? It’s not fair I tell you!"

Bobby doesn’t like to be an alien. He feels really weird in being in an alien body.



"Can you believe it? Somehow we’ve been transported to another world and turned into actual aliens! How cool is that??"
"What powers do you have? I’m still trying to figure out what I’m good at. Ooo, I wonder if I can spit fireballs or shoot lasers from my eyes!"
"I wonder why that one kid in our class, Ben, didn’t change into an alien like the rest of us. He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on!"
"Have you been exploring the different areas? The landscape and the wildlife are kind of spooky but cool. I wish all of our class excursions were as exciting as this! "

Emma is a kid-turned-alien girl due to the mysterious effects of the Omnitrix. She absolutely loves Sumo Slammer Cards.



"It’s kinda hard to tell by looking at my face, but I’m just as shocked and confused as you are. Well, at least I think you’re shocked and confused… "
"There’s got to be a logical explanation as to why we were all transported here. I think the adults are trying to figure that out right now."
"I have to be careful when I approach other aliens. It’s hard to tell from a distance whether an alien is a wild one or a kid who’s been transformed like us."
"I’ve been helping Ben and some of the other kids keep the wild aliens away from the safe areas. I mean, if we’re stuck with these alien bodies, might as well use our powers to do some good, right?"
"Usually I would never want to fight anything back at home. But keeping the aliens away is kind of an exception. Still, I have to admit it’s kind of fun sometimes!"

Reid is a happy-go-lucky schoolmate of Ben who loves his new alien powers. He is fond of hunting bad aliens using his new-found powers.